Cleo Tech’s ‘Marketing for Good’ Token Launches on MEXC

Web3-powered real world assets technology platform Cleo Tech’s CLEO token has been listed on crypto exchange MEXC.

Cleo Tech incentivizes social good through tokenization. Its novel platform enables businesses, sports, schools and the arts to generate engagement and revenue by offering a tokenized real world good—such as removing plastic from the ocean or planting trees—in combination with an NFT for proof of execution.

Its first initiative, “marketing for good,” focuses on enabling brands to reward viewers for brand and content engagement with a “good deed.”

“The single biggest pain point in marketing is that at some point, you’ve got to ask for somebody’s data to get them into your pipeline,” Cleo Tech CEO Jason Sibley said on Rug Radio’s FOMO Hour. The problem, he explained, is that advertisers haven’t been able to meet value with value. Cleo’s proposition is to “effectively tokenize good, and allow brands to reward prospects for their time and attention.”

In its three months since going live, Cleo Tech has already on-boarded brands including Google, Mastercard, HP, HSBC and Hitachi to its “Marketing for Good” initiative, sponsoring ESG initiatives such as Rimba Raya biodiversity reserve’s carbon offsets in Borneo, Eden Reforestation and Second Life’s ocean plastic removal.

“We’re allowing people to use their time to accumulate value, but it’s not money in their pocket,” Sibley said. “It’s a good that happens somewhere in the world.”

Those good deeds are tokenized as unique digital assets atop the Polygon blockchain; users receive the unique digital asset in their Cleo wallet as confirmation that the social good was delivered on their behalf by the brand. “We use NFTs as a completion certificate,” Sibley explained. “So the brand gets all this good happening for their ESG goals. But the individuals get a really nicely designed certificate in the form of an NFT.”

Sibley explained that Cleo Tech “never started as a blockchain project,” adding that, “Blockchain fixed our single biggest problems, which was scalability and transparency.” Blockchain’s decentralized ledger enables Cleo to track ESG contributions, and give users an “immutable record of the good they’ve done,” he said.

Decentralized Web3 technology has also enabled Cleo Tech to launch initiatives such as an impact investment DAO, with 5% of the firm’s revenue invested in innovative climatech projects, guided by DAO participants and a further 5% going towards buying back and burning their Cleo token.

Cleo Tech has ambitious plans to onboard 50 million users in the next three years, and become the global platform for individuals to participate in initiatives that support social causes and environmental sustainability. Next on its roadmap is the acquisition of NFT marketplace DoinGud, alongside a partnership with Mastercard and a “Sports for Good” programme to tackle food insecurity in children.

“I think this is going to be the biggest ride the next two years, honestly,” said Sibley. “It’s an exciting place to be, and I’m just glad to be on the journey as a founder now, because I think we can do some good.”

To find out more about Cleo, visit its token website at and its client site at, or follow the project on Twitter, Discord, YouTube and . To celebrate adding penguins to the causes supported through Cleo Tech, head to for a chance to win a Lil Pudgy NFT.


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