Crypto Voters Lean Towards Trump in the Upcoming Election, New Poll Reveals

  • As the election race heats up, a poll from Fairleigh Dickinson University showed Donald Trump taking a handy lead over Harris among crypto voters.
  • 50% of respondents who own (or have owned) digital assets said they planned to vote for Trump, compared to just 38% responding with Harris.
  • The results were flipped for non-crypto voters, with 53% pro-Harris while 41% were leaning toward Trump.
  • Crypto voters may have a big say in the upcoming election, with the poll showing about 15% of people in the US own, or have owned, digital assets.

It appears that Donald Trump’s self-proclaimed position as the “crypto president” of the United States is starting to rub off on voters. The Republican candidate has spent a significant portion of his campaign efforts to woo the crypto community – and they are starting to pay off. 

Trump is building a handy rap sheet of pro-digital asset moves since he spectacularly embraced the asset class earlier this year, including:

Related: Donald Trump to Soon Reveal Plan to Make US The ‘Crypto Capital of The Planet’

Trump Holds Significant Lead Among Crypto Owners

A recent survey from Fairleigh Dickinson University revealed that Trump was getting through to his target. Approximately 50% of respondents who did hold crypto said they’d vote in favour of Trump, compared to just 38% for Kamala Harris.

These results aren’t particularly surprising, given the current Democrat Government’s rocky relationship with digital currencies. Many in the community also believe that a Trump victory would have a better short-term impact on the market due to his promised pro-crypto policy changes.

Trump has been reaching out to the crypto community, and it seems to have paid off…It might be easy to dismiss them as insignificant, but I don’t think people realize exactly how widespread crypto ownership is.

Dan Cassino, Executive Director of the Poll

According to the poll’s results, about 15% of the 800 surveyed said they either own, or once owned, digital currencies – in line with previous studies suggesting about 16% of US citizens own digital assets.

Related: First-Ever AI-to-AI Crypto Transaction Happens on Coinbase Platform Base

Interestingly, among non-crypto holders the survey’s results were turned on their head. 53% of non-crypto owners planned to vote for Harris, while just 41% responded with Trump.

The Republicans have made cryptocurrency the key to the upcoming presidential election – and for the time being, it looks like it’s working.


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