Craig Wright Case Reveals Previously Unpublished Satoshi Emails

  • While the trial about Craig Wright being Bitcoin founder Satoshi Nakamoto is inconclusive thus far, new information has emerged.
  • Emails between Nakamoto and Adam Back, another cryptographer, have now been entered into court records.
  • In these emails, they discuss Bitcoin and other related concepts just months before the official BTC launch.

The trial COPA vs Craig Wright in London has seen its fair share of curiosity, like Wright using an AI bot to fabricate documents which are supposed to prove he is Satoshi Nakamoto, the mysterious Bitcoin developer.

The Australian computer scientist, convinced he is Satoshi yet unable to persuade the public and crypto community, has been accused by a COPA (Crypto Patent Alliance) lawyer of repeatedly producing false, tampered-with documents.

The trial at the United Kingdom High Court aims to definitively determine whether Wright is who he claims to be—and so far, he hasn’t been able to convince the court.

Old Satoshi Nakamoto Emails 

Now, in the latest twist, old and never-before-seen emails between Satoshi Nakamoto and well-known cryptographer Adam Back have turned up and were entered into the court records.

There are five emails forming part of a conversation Back and Nakamoto apparently had back in 2008, just months prior to the Bitcoin launch.

In the first email, Satoshi said he was “getting ready to release a paper,” referring to the Bitcoin whitepaper, asking Back for permission to quote Back’s prior articles on Hashcash.

Source Rizzo X

Satoshi also asked Back if he wanted to read a draft of the whitepaper.

In his answer, Back suggested Satoshi to research a paper named ‘B-money’ written by Wei Dei, another well-known cryptographer—sometimes also cited as a potential Bitcoin founder.

In the third email, Nakamoto said he hadn’t known about ‘B-money’ until then.

Back apologised in the next email for not having read the whitepaper, while also prompting Satoshi to read another article named ‘Micromint.’

Bitcoin Magazine editor and Forbes contributor Rizzo says he never heard that being talked about before.

The conversation appears to end here with the final email and Satoshi Nakamoto thanking Adam Back for his pointers and providing him with info about Bitcoin’s official software version.

In official statements, Back said he didn’t look at BTC again until 2012.

Source Rizzo X


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